Source code for epysurv.simulation.point_source

from dataclasses import dataclass
from typing import Optional, Sequence

import pandas as pd
import rpy2.robjects.packages as rpackages
from rpy2 import robjects

from epysurv.simulation.base import BaseSimulation
from epysurv.simulation.utils import add_date_time_index_to_frame, r_list_to_frame

surveillance = rpackages.importr("surveillance")
base = rpackages.importr("base")

[docs]@dataclass class PointSource(BaseSimulation): r"""Simulation of epidemics which were introduced by point sources. The basis of this programme is a combination of a Hidden Markov Model (to get random time points for outbreaks) and a simple model (compare :class:`epysurv.simulation.SeasonalNoise`) to simulate the baseline. Parameters ---------- amplitude Amplitude of the sine. Determines the possible range of simulated seasonal cases. alpha Parameter to move along the y-axis (negative values are not allowed) with `alpha` >= `amplitude`. frequency Factor in oscillation term. Is multiplied with the annual term :math:`\omega` and the current time point. p Probability to get a new outbreak at time :math:`t` if there was one at time :math:`t-1`. r Probability to get no new outbreak at time :math:`t` if there was none at time :math:`t-1`. seasonal_move A term added to time point :math:`t` to move the curve along the x-axis. seed Seed for the random number generation. trend Controls the influence of the current week on :math:`\mu`. References ---------- """ alpha: float = 1.0 amplitude: float = 1.0 frequency: int = 1 p: float = 0.99 r: float = 0.01 seasonal_move: int = 0 seed: Optional[int] = None trend: float = 0.0
[docs] def simulate( self, length: int, state_weight: float = 0, state: Optional[Sequence[int]] = None, ) -> pd.DataFrame: """Simulate outbreaks. Parameters ---------- length Number of weeks to model. ``length`` is ignored if ``state`` is given. In this case, the length of ``state`` is used. state Use a state chain to define the status at this time point (outbreak or not). If not given, a Markov chain is generated automatically. state_weight Additional weight for an outbreak which influences the distribution parameter mu. Returns ------- A ``DataFrame`` of simulated case counts per week, separated into baseline and outbreak cases. """ if self.seed: base.set_seed(self.seed) simulated = surveillance.sim_pointSource( p=self.p, r=self.r, length=length, A=self.amplitude, alpha=self.alpha, beta=self.trend, phi=self.seasonal_move, frequency=self.frequency, state=robjects.NULL if state is None else robjects.IntVector(state), K=state_weight, ) simulated_as_frame = r_list_to_frame(simulated, ["observed", "state"]) return simulated_as_frame.pipe(add_date_time_index_to_frame).rename( columns={"observed": "n_cases", "state": "is_outbreak"} )